Mr. Antwi possesses more than 19 years of experience working in various financial positions at different companies. “I have gained an extensive insight within the finance and accounting field and my key flow is management, managing budgets and risk assessments”, says Edward. He is currently the Senior Group Leader and Finance Leader at Theovision
He holds, an AFA, MIPA, MBA Internal Auditing, BSc Accounting, Certified Accounting Technician (UK) and ICA-G (Final part) at the Institute of Financial Accountant in the UK, the institute of Public Accountant in Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountant in Ghana. He enjoys playing the keyboard and swimming.
When asked why he chose to work in Theovision, he said “I am inspired by the vision of the organization and that keeps me to do what I do here in Theovision”. He is married with three children.