Impact Stories

Read more on how the Word of God through the Audio Bible is bringing transformation to individuals and communities.

Theovision Donates Medicines to Nzolenzu

Out of 2,824 people who reported to our facility, 2,431 cases were treated. There were 300 emergency

Bible Listening Groups Lead Innovation in Rural Evangelism‍

Theovision's annual medical outreach is predicated on the successful implementation of its BLG...

Hundreds Turn Up for Free Medical Screening At Nuba

A large number of residents turned up for Theovision's free medical screening at Nuba...

Nzolenzu Benefits From Free Medical Care

"residents are plagued with various sicknesses, but they are unable to seek timely health remedies"

Theovision to Provide Free Medical Care to 3000 People in Jomoro District

The medical outreach is an annual event organised by Theovision International and its partners...

“Use New Media Forms to Get Your Message Through” Phil Cooke

Church media content producers from Nigeria, Ethiopia and Ghana have been urged to tell the story of

Church Media Summit Team Visits Theovision International

A team of renown media production experts are in Accra to to take part in a 3-day summit...

Theovision to Organize an International Media Summit in Accra

The three-day summit open to all media professionals, church media teams, actors, social media teams

"Give To Heal" Campaign 2024 Launched

Our much anticipated “GIVE TO HEAL” Campaign for 2024 has been launched...

A Journey of Faith and Transformation in Dabo: Paul's Story

In spite of the challenges, God has been good. Many people gave their lives to Christ...

28 Tertiary Students Commit To Missions

Many Christians are clinging to earthly opportunities, rather than focusing on the love of God.

2024 Moody School Of The Bible Graduation: Celebrating Tomorrow’s Preachers

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take..

Ministry Partners and Donors Experience Bible Listening Session in Big Ada

On Saturday, March 23, 2024, a group of seven new benefactors of Theovision embarked on a field...

2024 Reach Campaign Successfully Ends: A Heartfelt Thank You!

We are thrilled to announce the successful end of this year’s Reach campaign on Sunny 88.7 FM...

The Love of Christ

Before joining the listening group, Feribunang was a troubled soul. He often went to parties and...

Victoria Torsu's Transformation Journey

Victoria Torsu lives in Abolokope, a community near the border of Togo and Ghana...

The Proclaimer, a Voice from Heaven

Akolipaka Azubire felt a surge of joy as he listened to the Frafra audio Bible playback device...

Voices of Heritage: Introducing the Ga Old Testament Audio Bible

After 25 years of hard work, the Ga New Testament has been complemented by the recent completion...

The Audio Bible, a Whisper of Hope from the Storm

Theovision International, in partnership with Megavoice, has donated audio Bibles to 50 families...

Countdown To The Oral Bible School Graduation

Since 2016, the Oral School of the Bible has emerged as a beacon of transformation in Ghana...

Nzema Audio Bible Leads Miezah To Salvation

For many years, Mr. Amihere and other members of his church shared the Gospel with Miezah...

Alima Shares Her Story Of How She Became a Theovision Partner

In March 2022, I heard about the Reach Campaign again. A friend whom I had asked for money sent me..

Kolorah Kangora's Transformation Journey

"The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; idolatry...

Testimony From Her Ladyship, The Chief Justice Of The Republic Of Ghana

I started life as a lawyer doing legal aid for persons with really low income; kenkey sellers and...

Year 2023 Under Review

Over the years, 24,997 Bible Listening Groups have been established in communities, schools...

Transformation And Forgiveness Through The Power Of Faith

Meet Akua Antobam, a resilient 70-year-old widow residing in the community of Nyame Nti, located ...

A Divine Dawn In Adzakope

In a remote farming village located within the Avedo area in the South Tongu district of the Volta..

“Finding Faith: A Mother’s Journey to Healing and Redemption”

Mamanya Gafatsi, a 60-year-old woman residing in Gafatsikope, has firmly come to the belief that ...

John Nyakpedo’s Transformation Journey

In the heart of this tranquil village, amidst the embrace of nature’s beauty, lives a man whose ...

“I Have Been An Idol Worshiper For 80 Years”: Patrick Aklasu Testifies

Patrick Aklasu is an 80 years old hunter who lives at Adzakope, a farming village in the South Tongu

The Nzema Audio Bible: A Tool For Redemption Unto Christ!

Mr. Barnabas Elliah Asebiah is a Methodist Church evangelist who has been facilitating Theovision’s

Seed Of Salvation

God’s divine gift to all humanity is the message of hope, a tiny seed that takes root and flourishes

Theovision’s Medical Missions Brings Light to Kete Krachi Local Prison

Inadequate funding, essential medical supplies and medications are but just a few of the current ...

Reaching Out To Kayadan: A Journey of Compassion and Care

In the heart of the Jasikan district lies the village of Kayadan, a farming community that shares...

Rain of Healing: Medical Outreach in Nanankor Buem

It is sobering to realize that vast segments of the rural population in Ghana still lack access ...

My Master Needs Me

“Whenever I went to church or Bible listening sessions, I was ridiculed and judged by others. ...

From Darkness To Light

Elizabeth Yvorde had been living in darkness without hope of salvation for many years until she ...

I Have Found Comfort In God’s Word

“Being a commercial bus driver, I travel a lot. Sometimes I am away from home for weeks. ...

Give To Heal Campaign 2023

Dear partner, from 1st July to 31st July 2023, Theovision humbly invites you to join our “Give To...

Bringing Hope And Salvation To Everyone, Everywhere!

JESUS FILM CRUSADE: Theovision Tertiary Students Ministry and the Word for All team collaborated ...

“Verse 4 Souls” Campaign; A Heartfelt THANK YOU To Our Donors

Your unwavering commitment to Theovision International and our mission to bring God’s Word to every

Breaking Barriers With The Message Of Salvation

“I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.”

Rev. Theodore Asare Receives Honorary Doctorate Degree

We are pleased to share an exciting and momentous ceremony that took place on Saturday, ...

A New Dawn Shines Upon The Logba People

To God be the glory, the Logba (Ikpana) New Testament audio Bible recording has been completed....

Onomabo Community Receives Fresh Drinking Water

Theovision International and PraiseLive have collaborated to provide a new mechanized borehole ...

REACH Campaign Ends Successfully | 2023

“For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, ...

Partners Of Theovision Fellowship With Bible Listening Groups

Supporting Theovision International has been a great joy for our donors to see the Word of God ...

2023 Oral Bible School Graduation

Theovision International, in partnership with Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, USA, graduated 420..

New Life Opportunity Skills Training Program Begins | 2023

The 6th cohort of trainees under the New Life Opportunity Skills Centre started their training ...

Liberation Through God’s Voice

Every day, life throws us unspeakable challenges, making us feel hopeless and stuck, unable to ...

Year 2022 Under Review

Theovision International has been in the frontline of evangelism and discipleship in Ghana and ...

2022 Medical Outreach In Chamba Ends Successfully

With a cast of about 60 personnel made up of Doctors, Physician Assistants, Laboratory Technicians,

The Relaunch of Radio Gaakii in Saboba

Established in 2010, Radio Gaakii over the years has been the primary source of broadcasting news...

Tudrope Community Witnesses The Power Of God

Tudrope is a farming community located in Sankpala in the Northern region of Ghana. It is ...

An Encounter With Jesus Christ

Papa Breman is a farmer who lives in Tudrope, a small community in Sankapla in the Northern Region..

I Can Now Teach And Explain God’s Word To Others

Due to my busy schedule, I had no time to study the Word of God, but the audio Bible has made it ...

Theovision Donates 2,500 Audio Bible “Sticks” To The Ghana Armed Forces

As part of the organization’s vision to make all hear God’s voice and be transformed, Theovision ...

Peace At Last!

“Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let..

Theovision Missionaries Receive New Motorcycles

Eight Theovision Missionaries from eight Regions are now beneficiaries of eight (8) motorbikes ...

Mr. Nyazu’s Three Sons Receive Salvation

John Arizi Nyanzu is the father of three sons who are known by all for their notoriety and for cause

The Wine That Satisfies: Regina Mantey’s Story

In the village of Likpe Abrane, situated in the Oti Region of Ghana, there resided a woman named ...

“I Can Now Read Better Because Of The Audio Bible”: Miss Agbesi Testifies

Though I could read the Bible, I used to struggle anytime I read because I could not pronounce some

Revival In Gabonzie: Martin Tenyana’s Story

Pastor Martin Tenyana is in charge of the community church in Gabonzie in the Banda Ahenkro ...

2022 REACH Campaign Experience

Great things He has done; greater things the Lord will do, Amen. For the fourth time, .....

Partners’ Field Trip to Tefle and Adidome

In the early hours of Saturday, March 19, 2022, the Word for All unit and the Partnership unit of ..

There Is Now Peace In Most Homes In My Community

“I used to be disrespectful to the elderly in my community,” the BLG’s leader testified. However, ..

God’s Word Has Changed My Son’s Life

“Because of my illness, I am always at home and due to this, am able to play the audio Bible for ...

“I Repented And Confessed My Sin To The Lord”

“I learned from the audio Bible that I need to live as one of the kingdom of light and not of ...

“I Used To Struggle To Find Scriptures”

“At the slightest provocation, my temper rises, but that has diminished as a result of my regular...

2022 / 2023 Moody School Of The Bible Orientation

“And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of ...

Hilda Wilson Graduates With “The Most Transformed” Award

Life is like a puzzle; for some, the pieces fall right into place, but for others, figuring out...

The Lord My Protector

Monica Sorchara, a 40-year-old woman who had carried the fear of untimely death inherited from her..

Richard Agbavitor Testifies

The BLG leader, Richard Agbavitor from Agbakpeame (Wenu) testified that, “I used to get very angry,

“I’ve Learned To Forgive And Love Others”

“Through the audio Bible listening program, I have developed a greater interest in learning and know

“I Didn’t Know Much About The Bible”

“I used to quarrel with others when they offend me, and that resulted in a hostile relationship...

Wilson Kaller’s Transformation Story

Mr. Wilson Kaller, the BLG leader for the Teadeafenui ‘A’ community in the Central Tongu district...

Year 2021 Under Review

The year 2021 marks 32 years since the vision to transform lives with the Word of God through the...

“God’s Word Has Revived My Prayer Life”

My name is Salome Baku. I am 54 years and the leader of the Likpe Norm Lava Bible Listening Group...

“The Sekpele Audio Bible Has Transformed Our Lives”

My name is Dzato Clarkson Quist. I am the leader of the Lipke Bala [E] Bible Listening Group.....

Year 2020 Under Review

Being able to do God’s work even in such challenging times in 2020 was very encouraging. We saw a...

In the mist of chaos, God continues to speak.

Rachel Martey is a 17-year-old high school junior living in Abotereye. Being affected by the ...

Do not be anxious about anything

There are many issues that may sometimes discourage and keep us worried about what will happen ...

Our Heavenly Father feeds us

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and your heavenly...

A Grateful Heart.

Our God has done it again! For some time, Theovision International has been greatly affected by ...

Theovision Pilots Solar Project in Akurakese

Theovision International on Friday 10th July 2020, launched its pilot solar multi-purpose pole at...

Finding Peace in Chaos

Emelia Sodza, is a 30-year old woman from Alavanyo Peshe. As a Nursing Assistant volunteer at the...

Redemption in Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an easy word to say but difficult to explain. It is even more difficult if you have..

Good Vs. Evil | Richmond’s Encounter

How would you know if something was bad, if you never knew what good and evil was to begin with? ..

Njonyan’s New Path | Transformation Story

With every gulp of alcohol bringing him satisfaction, he did not know he was on his path of ...

Theovision Graduates 3rd Batch Of Rural Pastors [PHOTOS]

Over 400 lay pastors, church workers and street pastors graduated from the Oral Bible School for ...

2020 Quarterly Newsletter: First Edition

REACH 2020 Update March 2020 started great with all the excitement built up during the Reach ...

30 Days Bible Listening

Download the Theovision App now to participate in the 30 days Bible Listening in April. We are going

30th Anniversary Special Magazine

30th Anniversary Dinner

Theovision International climaxed the end of the year with a celebration dinner together with its...

2019 Second Quarter Overview Report

2019 Second Quarter Overview Report

2019 First Quarter Overview Report

2019 First Quarter Overview Report

Theovision International Officially Launch 30th Anniversary

Theovision International officially launched its 30th Anniversary to celebrate 30 years of ministry

Partners Visit Bible Listening Groups in Tsawla and Manase

As part of our accountability to cherished donors and partners, we organize occasional Partners’ ...

Bayerebon Village Receives Hospital Beds

This year, as part of Theovision’s annual week-long celebration in appreciation of the outstanding..

REACH Campaign Ends Successfully

Many people in deprived areas are starving for God’s Word; truth that will help them take the next..

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