Impact Stories

“The Sekpele Audio Bible Has Transformed Our Lives”

My name is Dzato Clarkson Quist. I am the leader of the Lipke Bala [E] Bible Listening Group. The people in the community like the program because the Audio Bible is recorded in our own native Sekpele language.

We started the Bible listening sessions October last year, 2020. By the grace of God, the Lord through the power of His word was touching and transforming lives. 2 women among us whom I knew very well were not in talking terms. But since the start of this year they have started talking again.

The reason the women were not talking wasn’t known to anyone but everyone around them knew there was something wrong between them. What I remember is both of them joined the group at a point and we got to a time that we were listening and discussing portions of the Audio Bible that talked about love, hatred, forgiveness, unity, etc.

Beginning this year, I realized they were greeting each other and talking. One may have suspected it was a nine-day wonder. But up until now they have always been in good terms whenever we have seen them. I believe the word of God had a positive effect in their heart and life and the situation they were in and that produced the result we witnessed in their lives.

Some members among us have also received their healing from the weekly Bible listening programs. I can testify that the Sekpele Audio Bible among us has transformed our lives and we thank Theovision International.

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