Impact Stories

Njonyan’s New Path | Transformation Story

With every gulp of alcohol bringing him satisfaction, he did not know he was on his path of destruction. His “selflessness” did not make him enjoy the excitement of alcohol alone. Joshua Njonyan, at 22 years had invited most of his friends to have drinks at the village brothel, making them addicted to alcohol and smoking just like himself. They would spend the whole day drenched in bottles of alcohol, wasting away their lives while many of his peers were working hard, preparing themselves to start families.

Soon the people in Sambotido, where he lived as a farmer, were scared to cross paths with Njonyan. Those who did never left the same. Anyone who attempted talking to him or did anything that was close to counselling was met with some insults. Soon, the alcohol and smoking habit started to take a toll on him. He became bitter and easily provoked most of the time. Joshua was gradually becoming an unforgiving person.

Although holding grudges in his heart against people was hurting him emotionally and psychologically, he would not let go. He made sure to pay every single person who wronged him in the most painful way he knew. Gradually, he became the talk of his town. Everyone wrote him off.

It is hard to believe that a person like Joshua Njonyan could be transformed.

When a Bible Listening group was established in his community, they least expected Joshua to join in their discussion. The marvel that was drawn on the faces that saw him surrender his life to God. The word of God which always penetrates our innermost parts started to change him. Scales began to fall of his eyes and he saw clearly the path of destruction he had cut out for himself.  

He bagan to withdraw from friends, though some did not believe that Joshua could really change. Still some marvel at the transformation that had occurred.  “Through the Bible Listening Program my life has received a turnaround for the good and I have received Christ the Lord as my saviour”, Joshua confesses. “Thank you Theovision International for the opportunity given me to hear the word of God!”

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